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Thesaurus Plus

A Smart thesaurus that provides synonyms, antonyms, related words, and contextual examples to expand your vocabulary options.

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Aristotle Syllogism Seeker Icon

Syllogism Spotter

Unearth hidden syllogisms within texts, identifying logical structures that power your arguments

A blender representing a blending words together to create a unique portmanteau

Word Blender

Mix words together to create fun and totally unique portmanteaus perfect for brand names or creative projects.

Word Counter Plus

Count words, sentences, paragraphs, analyze readability, reading time, extract keywords, and calculate word density.

A "Z" representing a machine that generates Zeugmas using AI

Zeugma Zinger

Create zeugmas that elevate your prose and eyebrows, using words that charm readers and critics alike.

Randomized shapes illustration for the random word generator

Random Word Generator

Generate random words for any creative task based on the type of word, starting letters, syllables, letter count and more.

Illustration of a woman at a desk writing, presumably paraphrasing text.


A paraphrasing tool that rewords sentences, paragraphs, or full articles, offering multiple stylistic and structural options to refine your text.