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What We Know About OpenAI’s Strawberry Model

Illustration of a strawberry on black background

OpenAI is reportedly gearing up to release a new artificial intelligence model, code-named “Strawberry,” as part of its popular ChatGPT service in the coming weeks. While OpenAI has not made an official announcement, details have emerged from sources involved in testing the model, providing insight into how this model differs from existing AI systems.

Focus on Reasoning and Thought

Unlike typical conversational AI models that aim to provide immediate responses, Strawberry is designed to “think” before answering. This approach, often referred to as “chain-of-thought prompting,” allows the model to consider various steps before arriving at a final conclusion, potentially improving its performance on complex reasoning tasks. According to a report from The Information, this reasoning ability could make Strawberry more capable of solving difficult problems, such as complex math equations and programming challenges—tasks that current AI models often struggle to handle reliably.

One of Strawberry’s distinguishing features is its ability to reason through subjective topics, including business strategy questions or language-related puzzles. For example, OpenAI staff have demonstrated Strawberry’s success in solving intricate word puzzles, like New York Times Connections, highlighting the model’s enhanced language capabilities.

Performance and Drawbacks

Early testers have noted that while Strawberry performs well in reasoning-heavy tasks, it is less adept at handling simple, short queries. Another potential drawback is the model’s slower response time. Initial reports indicate that responses can take between 10 and 20 seconds, which may be slower than users are accustomed to with other AI models like GPT-4. Despite these issues, testers have found Strawberry’s overall performance to be slightly superior to GPT-4 in more complex problem-solving scenarios.

Exclusively Text-Based for Now

The first version of Strawberry will be text-only, meaning it won’t yet have the multimodal capabilities of generating or interpreting images, a feature that competitors and even OpenAI’s own models have been working to integrate. This limitation could affect its versatility in applications requiring both visual and textual understanding.

Pricing and Availability

How Strawberry will be integrated into OpenAI’s product ecosystem remains somewhat unclear. Although it will be a part of ChatGPT, reports suggest that it may be offered as a standalone service as well. It’s expected that Strawberry will come with certain usage limitations, such as rate limits, and OpenAI might introduce a premium pricing tier for users seeking faster performance.

The release of Strawberry comes at a time when OpenAI is reportedly exploring new ways to capitalize on its cutting-edge technology. With more than 1 million paying users for its business products, driven largely by the adoption of ChatGPT, OpenAI has solidified itself as a leader in the AI space. Microsoft’s backing has also played a key role in this success, allowing OpenAI to push the boundaries of what AI models can achieve.

Connection to “Orion” and Q*

Strawberry is also closely tied to OpenAI’s work on another model, code-named “Orion.” According to reports, Orion is being developed based on outputs from Strawberry, suggesting that OpenAI’s long-term goal may be to create a more efficient and scalable model using insights gained from Strawberry’s reasoning abilities. This follows the trajectory of OpenAI’s project Q*, also called Q Star, which was initially focused on reasoning-based AI and may have served as a precursor to both Strawberry and Orion.

One peculiar feature of Strawberry is what testers have described as a “self-talk” behavior. This means that the model appears to simulate internal dialogue when working through complex problems. This method of “thinking out loud” could further improve the accuracy of its reasoning, but it’s also one of the areas that testers have found unconventional compared to typical conversational models.


OpenAI’s upcoming Strawberry model represents a shift towards reasoning-focused artificial intelligence. While it may have some limitations in speed and simplicity, its emphasis on thoughtful, complex problem-solving sets it apart from other models on the market. As OpenAI continues to refine and expand its AI offerings, Strawberry could become a key component in its efforts to push the boundaries of what artificial intelligence can achieve. However, with many details still unconfirmed and the full extent of its capabilities not yet revealed, much remains to be seen about how this model will fit into the broader AI landscape.

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