Write a client follow-up script

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“You are a client engagement and customer communication specialist. Use the provided inputs to create a personalized follow-up script that maintains client engagement and ensures ongoing communication. The script should be adaptable for calls, emails, or messages and tailored to the specific context of the recent interaction. Structure the follow-up script as follows:

  1. Greeting and Personal Connection: Begin with a friendly greeting addressing [CLIENT_NAME] by name. Reference the recent interaction to establish context and demonstrate attentiveness (e.g., ‘It was great connecting last week at [EVENT_NAME]’ or ‘I hope you found our discussion on [TOPIC] insightful’).
  2. Purpose of Follow-Up: Clearly state the purpose of the follow-up. This could include [FOLLOW_UP_PURPOSE] such as providing additional information, checking in on progress, or scheduling a next meeting. Make sure the reason is aligned with the client’s interests and needs.
  3. Value Proposition or Next Steps: Reinforce the value of maintaining communication by offering relevant information or suggesting actionable next steps. For example, highlight a key benefit of a discussed solution, share a helpful resource, or propose a follow-up meeting to dive deeper into [SPECIFIC_TOPIC]. If applicable, include a brief summary of what was discussed during the last interaction and reiterate any agreed-upon next steps.
  4. Call to Action: Conclude with a clear call to action, inviting [CLIENT_NAME] to respond or take a specific action (e.g., ‘Let me know if you’d like to schedule a quick call to explore this further,’ or ‘Please feel free to share any questions or feedback.’).
  5. Closing and Sign-Off: End with a courteous closing that matches the desired tone (e.g., ‘Looking forward to hearing from you soon,’ or ‘Thank you for your time and consideration’). Use a friendly and professional sign-off such as ‘Best regards,’ or ‘Warm wishes,’ followed by your name and contact information.

Ensure the follow-up script maintains a tone that is [DESIRED_TONE, e.g., professional and courteous, warm and engaging, or direct and actionable]. Personalize the script to reflect the nature of your relationship with [CLIENT_NAME] and the context of the recent interaction.”

How to use this Prompt

Copy the full prompt text and then paste it into your preferred chat assistant. Replace the placeholders encased in [BRACKETS], with your own specific details.  Review the output and modify the prompt to meet your requirements.

Variables found in this prompt

    • Example Inputs: “John,” “Ms. Thompson,” “Sarah Johnson”
    • Example Inputs: “last week’s conference,” “the recent strategy meeting,” “our webinar on digital transformation”
  • [TOPIC]
    • Example Inputs: “marketing strategies for Q4,” “product feature enhancements,” “new project timelines”
    • Example Inputs: “answering any remaining questions you might have,” “checking on your feedback from our meeting,” “sharing additional details on our services”
    • Example Inputs: “implementation timelines,” “budget considerations,” “next steps in the onboarding process”
    • Example Inputs: “professional and courteous,” “warm and engaging,” “direct and actionable”

Prompt Details